Wednesday, September 18, 2013

'One Bite' Laws Harm Victims of Dog Bite Injuries

Travis County resident Danielle Melaun understands all too well the importance of having an aggressive personal injury attorney fighting for her. After almost losing her upper lip in a nasty dog bite injury, she has amassed nearly $100,000 in medical bills and other health-related expenses. To her dismay, Ms. Melaun was informed by her attorney that getting compensated for her medical bills would be contingent on her ability to prove that the dog had bitten someone else prior to her own injury

If that seems counter intuitive, here's why: Texas has a 'one bite law'. One bite laws essentially protect dogs and their owners from any legal or financial liabilities, providing it was the dog's first bite. Laws like these have the potential to make it very difficult for dog bite victims to receive just compensation for their injuries. Currently, 16 states have one bite laws in place; thankfully, California is not one of them. Even so, the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, a leading Los Angeles personal injury law firm, is encouraging clients to protect themselves from potential dog bite-related injuries by seeking quality legal protection.

Founder Cameron Brock has been a prominent Los Angeles personal injury lawyer for nearly twenty years. The skilled staff at the Law Offices of Burg & Brock is well equipped to provide unmatched legal care for people suffering from a wide range of personal injuries, including vehicle accidents, wrongful death, product liability and much more. If you or a loved one is the victim of a dog bite injury, contact the Law Offices of Burg & Brock today by dialing 888-509-2998, or visit them online at today.


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