Friday, October 30, 2015

Monster Claims

Halloween is just about here and we thought it might be time to explore some of the less responsible practices of certain frigthening characters who, fictional monsters and monster makers though they are, really ought to know better. As Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, we get to meet all kinds of people, but these folks are downright scary.

We'll start with Victor Frankenstein who, without consulting even one medical ethics board, created a human from stolen parts, including a possibly abnormal brain. He then allowed his creation to roam about the countryside, entirely unsupervised. Beyond being an obviously case of highly irresponsible parenting, the creature's murderous behavior clearly would leave the doctor open to a number of very serious wrongful death and personal injury suits.

Of course, harm comes to us not only from random meetings with marauding creatures of the night, but also at the workplace. Consider the case of Count Vlad Dracula who, apart from causing harm through his well known and very unpleasant addiction, was guilty of creating highly inappropriate workplace conditions in the case of one R.M. Renfield. Mr. Renfield, a onetime real estate agent, was poached from his former place of employment through means of bewitching the young man, which had numerous deleterious side effects. The agent was left with a number of medical conditions, many no doubt related to his tendency to consume any insects he came across. Aside from the injuries to Mr. Renfield, it's unclear whether he every received any compensation for the many services he regularly performed for the Count.

Yes, we admit it, even a skilled personal injury lawyer can be afraid of monsters,
particularly since it's so hard to hold a nonexistent creature of the night properly accountable through the legal system. Of course, if you need any help with actual, non-fictional human beings or companies who behave irresponsibly and cause you an injury, we're definitely here to help, and to wish you a Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sometimes it's Personal

The main role of a personal injury lawyer is to make sure that victims of an accident are properly compensated so that the negligent actions of another don’t put them into dire financial straits. Beyond simply paying for medical bills, the compensation that victims gain through a court decision or settlement allows them to ensure that any lost wages in the present or future are also covered. This is not to mention additional pain and suffering damages that victims are entitled to when the injury affects far more than a person’s finances.

Yet, while compensation is paramount in a personal injury case, the sense of justice that victims get by securing a favorable outcome can make a tremendous difference in their emotional recovery. Simply the court’s acknowledgement that a victim was wronged can help that person move forward in life with some sense of closure. In most cases, the circumstances surrounding an accident do not merit criminal charges, so often the only outlet that a victim has in seeking justice is through Los Angeles personal injury attorneys. While, ideally, no one should ever have to be in that situation, if you or a loved one needs the help of a personal injury lawyer, make sure you go with the best.

Friday, October 16, 2015

It's Always Human Error

The recent flurry of news stories sparked by the release of information on accidents involving  experimental driverless cars belonging to Google had us thinking about an all too obvious fact relating to personal injury cases. It's this: while its probably true that the 11 or so car collisions involving the new cars were the fault of human drivers, ALL accidents are and will continue to be the result of human error -- it's just a matter of proving which human made the error!

If, for example, an accident occurs someday that a skilled personal injury lawyer can prove is the result of a preventable malfunction of a driverless car, the fault of the accident will be with the human(s) who designed, built, or programmed the car. After all, "Terminator" movies notwithstanding, at least so far our machines are only as good as the people who build them. An inanimate object can't really be said to make a mistake...though using that object ill-advisedly can definitely qualify as an error. For the time being, at least, even the most sophisticated car-computer hybrid we can imagine will still be an inanimate object.

The reality that Los Angeles personal injury attorneys like us are going to have to deal with is reminding juries and the authorities that even the most sophisticated machines are built and manufactured by humans who are ultimately going to be responsible for any flaws in their creations that might endanger the public. It's a tough job, but nobody every said personal injury lawyering was going to be easy!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Safety Through Accountability

First and foremost, it is the job of a personal injury lawyer to represent the best interests of whatever client they are providing guidance or representation for that day. When an individual has been injured in an accident, they are often put into the vulnerable position of having to fight for their legal rights while still recovery from the injury that they have suffered. Cameron Yadidi Brock fights passionately for each one of his clients, and uses his skills as a litigator and every other legal resource at his disposal to get every client the absolute best outcome.

Yet, there is a larger effect that Los Angeles personal injury attorneys have on the community. While some business owners or individuals may get nervous at the possibility of a lawsuit, it is this nervousness that drives these parties to ensure that everything that they are responsible for is safe for other people to use. Whether this takes the form of a driver double-checking their blind spot to ensure they are safe to switch lanes, or a factory manager ensuring that the products they are about to ship do not have dangerous defects, the negative consequences associated with putting others in danger surely creates a heightened atmosphere of safety that we all benefit from.