Tuesday, September 29, 2015

When Good Cars Go Bad

As  Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, we are keenly aware that no item we purchase is more tied up with our personal safety than our car, truck, or motorcycle. The massive Toyota recall a few years back over issues of acceleration was one of the most massive and dramatic examples of what can happen to individuals -- and to the reputation of a manufacturer -- when safety defects are ignored, but it was hardly the end of the story.

In fact, just over the last two days, we've had two local news stories that may possibly be related to an automotive defect. One item had the 16 year-old daughter of the late actor, Paul Walker, launching a wrongful death case against Porsche. The suit alleges that the car he was driving at the time of his death is unsafe, lacking several important safety features offered by other cars from the famed sports car manufacturer.

Another very recent news item recounted a very serious accident on the 210 Freeway. It involved a driver who was apparently convinced that his 2000 Nissan Frontier had gone out of control on account of a serious cruise control malfunction. Though it's much too early to be certain that was actually the case, it's nevertheless presents the kind of chilling scenario a personal injury lawyer may occasionally encounter.

Of course, the vast majority of vehicular personal injury cases boil down to errors on the part of one of more drivers, but we all nevertheless are placing a great deal of trust in vehicle manufacturers. Under those circumstances, looking very closely at the circumstances of accidents where a vehicle defect may have played a role certainly makes sense.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What's Dangerous?

A recent news story got us thinking. It involved a New Jersey resident who was awarded over $520,000 from a local Dunkin Donuts in a case involving a number of injuries she received as a result of tripping over a spike in an adjacent parking lot. Some of those injuries included being burned by the hot coffee she was carrying.

Now, many of you reading this might not be old enough to remember the famed case of Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurant, otherwise known as the 1994 "hot coffee" lawsuit. At the time, the case was widely disparaged in the media as an example of personal injury and product liability cases presumably run amok. However, what most people didn't realize was that the elderly woman in the case had, in fact, been seriously injured by contact with McDonald's then extremely-hot coffee. She required skin grafts and was in treatment for two years.

Whatever your opinion about that particular incident, it's a good reminder that our perceptions of danger don't always match the realities in any particular case. If you're a motorcycle accident lawyer, you know that seemingly very minor road hazards can have potentially tragic results...yet few of us actually frightened by the thought of a pothole. Similarly, coffee is such a part of many people's daily lives that the thought of being harmed by it seems ridiculous but, when kept at a high enough temperature, it really can be a serious hazard.

What it boils down to is that sometimes injuries are as much a product of someone's failure of the imagination as any other cause. If you or someone close to you has been harmed by something that didn't seem terribly dangerous, and another party is responsible, Cameron Yadidi Brock and his first-rate legal team are here for you.

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Winning Argument

For many Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, the job of representing clients mostly entails pushing paperwork around and taking only the cases that they know can be easily settled out of court. As a true litigator, Cameron Yadidi Brock is different. With years of experience representing everyone from motorcycle accident victims to those injured in a product liability case, Mr. Brock has a wealth of experience that he uses to craft an argument truly capable of winning over the court.

While it is true that some clients choose to settle their cases out of court, others, under the advice and guidance of Mr. Brock, understand that their best outcome is a court victory that can only be achieved through presenting a convincing case. It is also important for clients to note that, even if they choose to settle their case out of court, Mr. Brock’s reputation as a gifted personal injury lawyer makes insurance companies more willing to avoid facing him in court by offering a large settlement up front. Either way, with a 97 percent success rate across thousands of clients, the Law Offices of Burg & Brock has a track record that truly can’t be beat.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

When the Law is in Your Corner

While the idea of a personal injury lawsuit may make some accident victims anxious, it is important to remember that when someone has been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, the law is on their side. In cases where compensation truly is merited, it is the responsibility of the personal injury lawyer to convey these injuries and damages to the court in a thorough and straightforward manner.

When it comes to Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, there is no one better to have on your side than Cameron Yadidi Brock. As the head litigator at the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, he has overseen the successful collection of over 100 million dollars in compensation for clients.  Of course, for current clients, it is their case that matters rather than the hundreds that came before them. Luckily, clients can be equally comforted by the fact that the lawyers at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock have a 97 percent success rate. Whether a case needs to be settled or fought over in court, the skilled legal team at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock will do whatever it takes to win.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Safe at Work!

Labor Day weekend is just about upon us. To most people, this Monday will be simply a very welcome day off, but the holiday actually has its roots in the early American labor movement and its efforts on behalf of workers. Especially if you work as a personal injury lawyer, it seems like as opportune a time as any to remind readers about the importance of staying safe at work.

The good news is that the reported incidence of workplace injuries in the U.S. has dropped in recent years, but millions of injuries still happen each year. As busy Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, we see our share of these cases and its important to point out that a great many of them are highly preventable. Both employers and employees have a responsibility to keep their eyes, ears, and even their noses open so that they notice any potential dangers that might be lurking in even the most seemingly safe workplace.

Of course, there are times when employers and other in positions of authority fail to exercise proper caution, and its at those unfortunate points that skilled lawyers like our own Cameron Yadidi Brock can help injured parties receive their due compensation. Let's hope, however, that every one reading this enjoys a very happy and safe Labor Day, and an equally happy and safe working life. However, if an injury does occur and an at fault party does not provide due compensation, we are here to help.