Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Make Sure Your New Year Starts on a Good Note

As the LA accident lawyer that people turn to in times of stress and pain, we know better than anyone the strain that a car accident injury can have on a victim and their family. This New Year’s Eve, with the heightened possibility of intoxicated drivers on the road, it’s important to be extra cautious to keep you and your family safe.

No matter how much police crackdown, drunk drivers will always find their way onto the roadways. New Year’s Eve is second behind Thanksgiving as the biggest day for drunk-driving crashes in America each year. If possible, it is best to avoid busy roadways during the peak nighttime hours when these drivers take to the streets. If you cannot, be sure to always keep an eye open for erratic driving behavior.

Hopefully, neither you nor your loved ones will ever need an attorney in Los Angeles after an accident involving drunk driving. But, if you are unlucky enough to suffer an injury because someone else's negligence, you should call the Law Offices of Burg & Brock at 888-509-2998 to get on the path to receiving the personal injury compensation you deserve.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Watch Out for Dog Bites Under the Mistletoe

As  personal injury attorneys, we're constantly warning of the very real and potentially serious dangers of dog bites.While that might not seem like a matter that's directly related to the holidays, the fact of the matter is that this is a very social time of year and we might find ourselves in unfamiliar homes. Alongside meeting a lot of new people, we're also likely to come into contact with pets we don't know very well.

While we might get nervous about meeting the new significant other of close family members, for example, the fact of the matter is that even the worst possible first meeting with a fellow human being won't likely result in a nasty bite to the hand or face. We all love dogs, but what personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles and all dog owners know is that they are sometimes unpredictable creatures who may act out if they feel threatened for any reason.

Especially if you're a pet lover, there's no reason to avoid family dogs at holiday gatherings, but some sensible precautions are always a good idea. It's good to check with the owner to make sure the dog is okay with strangers, and always resist the temptation to start petting a strange dog without a proper introduction. Be especially careful to avoid exposing your face directly to an animal you don't know extremely well.

Of course, if you are unlucky enough to have been the victim of a dog attack and the owner is at fault, there is a lot the Law Offices of Burg and Brock can do. It's also, of course, the place find an outstanding vehicle accident lawyer. Just give us a call any time at 888-509-2998.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

5 Wet Weather Driving Tips

Though many of us thought it might not ever happen again, Los Angeles and Southern California are finally starting to see some rainfall. With the entire state in a record drought, we couldn’t need it more, but rain does also bring unique hazards that water deprived Angelinos might not be used to; especially on the road. As a personal injury lawyer, we’ve seen vehicle accidents of every kind here at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock, and we have some tips to help keep you safe on the road during wet weather. 

1) Turn on Lights. Rain means reduced visibility. Make sure you turn on your lights to help you see, and help other see you. 

2) Reduce speed. Your car is going to have less traction on the road during a rain storm which will make it easier to slide. Slow down to decrease the risk while also avoiding hydroplaning which is when all of your wheels lose contact with the ground, and one of the worst things that can happen. 

3) Give extra following room. Angelinos like to drive bumper to bumper, which is never a good idea, and an especially terrible one while it’s raining. The rain means everyone’s breaking time will be slower. You’re going to need that room. 

4) Don’t use cruise control. Keep it off when it’s raining. You need as much control over you vehicle as you can get and cruise control may accelerate or brake your car at the worst time. 

5) Managing a skid. Even if you drive perfectly, you can still end up in a skid. The most important thing you can do is not panic. Most skids happen gradually which means you’ll have time to react. Don’t: slam on the breaks, speed up, or yank the wheel. Do: stay calm, let off the gas, and slowly steer the car in the direction you need it to go in. Most skids will right themselves if you do.     
Follow these safety tips the next time you find yourself driving in the rain, and if you end up in an accident make sure your rights are protected by an experienced attorney in Los Angeles. As a top LA accident lawyer the Law Offices of Burg and Brock have your back.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

3 Types of Damages You May Be Entitled To In Personal Injury Cases

Depending on how you are impacted by an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, there are several different types of damages that an LA accident lawyer can argue for in court on your behalf.

Economic - The simplest and most common type of damages won in personal injury suits are those that cover direct expenses that result from the injury. Typically, these damages cover medical bills, property damage, or lost wages as a result of not being able to work. A good lawyer can also argue loss of future earnings based on an injury’s ability to hinder productivity down the road.

Pain & Suffering – Often, it is not enough to simply break even on financial damage caused by an accident. Injuries and wrongful deaths bring about a tremendous amount of sorrow and stress to families and those affected. Insurance companies and the negligent parties they represent are aware of this, and with a good attorney in Los Angeles, some form of pain and suffering damages are almost always awarded to worthy cases.

Distress – Distress damages are paid to plaintiffs who have emotional and psychological trauma that goes beyond basic pain and suffering. Typically, this means the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder or some other type of permanent psychological affliction as a result of the accident. While pain and suffering claims are often awarded on a common sense basis when an injury or death occurs, distress claims need to be proven by psychological records and evaluations.

If you or a loved one has been recently injured, it’s vital that you know your rights and secure the expert advice of The Law Offices of Burg & Brock. We’ll make sure that you are awarded every penny that you deserve.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Make Sure to Watch Out for Negligent Behavior on Black Friday

While Black Friday has quickly become many Americans’ favorite shopping day of the year, the long lines and early morning rushes can often create dangerous situations for unsuspecting shoppers and store employees. Over the last several years, scores of people were injured due to the negligent and inappropriate behavior of others. Here are two things you can do to make sure you and your family don’t suffer a personal injury coming off of such a joyous holiday.

·         Walk, don’t run – Many of the injuries have occurred because of slip-and-falls, or collisions in stores, or because of people pushing and shoving to get in the store. It may seem ok if you see other people running up and down the aisles, but it isn’t safe for them to be doing, and it’s not safe for you.

·         Be courteous – Even if other shoppers are being downright rude, it is important to keep your cool and not play into someone else’s aggression. Many of these Black Friday injuries are not accidents at all, and result from someone attacking another shopper after losing their cool. To protect yourself, it’s best to respond with calm to even the most hair-raising situations.
Hopefully nothing bad happens to you or anyone you know on Black Friday, but if you do need an attorney in Los Angeles, contact Cameron Yadidi Brock and the Law Offices of Burg & Brock to see if you are entitled to compensation as a result of any injury.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Staying Safe During the Holiday Hustle

The holidays are a joyous time of year, but we’ve all read unfortunate stories about that joy quickly turning to tragedy as a result of an accident. As fulfilling as the holidays can be, the hard truth is that, when it comes to travel, they can also be quite dangerous. With more cars on the road and the weather turning treacherous it’s important to remember that, while you’re enjoying special occasions with friends and close family, to also stay safe. As a vehicle accident lawyer,  we care about your safety here at the law offices of Burg and Brock. To that end, here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid personal injury  this holiday season. 

Keep your eyes on the weather forecast. Though it’s tempting to dismiss inclement weather as an East Coast problem, even residents of Southern California aren’t completely safe from poor conditions. November and December can mean rainfall for Angelinos, and the roads will be adversely affected. Make sure to be weary of poor conditions. 

Statistically speaking, the most dangerous road condition is other drivers. Defensive driving is always a great skill to practice, but it particularly comes in handy during the busy holiday travel season. Stay vigilant, and keep your eyes out for erratic behavior from other vehicles because drunk driving is going to go up. Take care when you’re on the road, and if the unexpected does happen make sure you contact a top attorney in Los Angeles like Burg and Brock to protect your rights.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Can It Be Stopped?

On any given day, just try entering "accident Los Angeles" in the Google news search engine and you'll see just how serious the threat posed by traffic accidents remains at all times. Of course, as leading  vehicle accident lawyers, we've seen only too much tragedy related to car and motorcycle accidents. At times, the question really has to be this: can anything be done to stop the endless procession of deaths and serious injuries nationwide related to traffic accidents.

After all, as a car and motorcycle accident lawyer, you can try to obtain justice in the form of financial compensation for those who have been harmed by car accidents, but that's only helping after the fact. Prevention would obviously be ideal and, despite a great deal of truly amazing automotive technology, the litany of tragic accidents caused by negligence and human error goes on.

The Google driver-less car, on the other hand, promises to remove the human element from driving altogether and, therefore (in theory), the human tendency to do dangerous and stupid things in traffic. At least in theory, that should make an enormous difference.

Still, as personal injury specialists who've seen just about everything, something tells us that people will still find a way to have accidents. Let's hope, at least, they are far less deadly

Thursday, November 13, 2014

4 Cycling Tips for New Bikers

Here at the law offices of Burg and Brock, we care about safety, and of the major causes of personal injury  on the road involves bicycle accidents. Biking is an efficient, healthy, and environmentally beneficial form of transportation. It’s good for the body, and great for the world. Unfortunately, Los Angeles isn’t exactly the most bike friendly city in America. For the reason, here are some basic bike riding tips for new cyclists who hit the road. 

1) Stay off the sidewalk. This is a simple tip, and unfortunately one that often results in injury to bikers or pedestrians if not followed. A bicycling is classified by the DMV as a vehicle, and not only is it not safe to ride on the sidewalk, it’s actually prohibited!

2) Use proper lights. In Los Angeles, every bicycle must have both a rear and a front light. The front light must be white and the rear light must be red. This helps motorists see you at night. Though these lights don’t have to be flashing, it’s highly recommended that you purchase and attach lights that do so. 

3) Ride with Traffic. While riding, you have to obey the traffic laws. That means stopping at all the stop signs and stop lights and yielding when necessary. Though it may be tempting to blow through an intersection, it could result in a bad accident if you do. Stay cautious, and ride like you drive.  

4) Wear a helmet!
Always cycle defensively, and with the assumption that motorists can’t see you. This will help keep you safe, and keep you aware. If the unfortunate does happen, and you are involved in an accident don’t forget to protect your rights and seek a good vehicle accident lawyer. Like the Law Offices of Burg and Brock. As a top attorney in Los Angeles, we’ll always have your back!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Okay to be Scared!

Last week, we gave you some safety tips for Halloween, but now it's time to get a little bit more basic. After all, this holiday is a celebration of fear, and that's a good things as it tends to get a bit of bad rap the rest of the time. In any case, it's a good time to look at the upside of being afraid. 

First of all, as the offices of a top motorcycle accident lawyer, we can tell you that being truly without fear can have truly nasty consequences. While being paralyzed with dread is never a good thing, a little healthy, er, concern can make the difference between being in an accident or not being in an accident. Especially when you're riding a motorcycle, that can be a matter of life and death.

Not that driving an auto can't also be dangerous. Some people are so unconcerned about the possibility of being in a serious car accident that they fail to put on their seat belts. As vehicle accident lawyers, we are here to tell you that that kind of fearlessness can have truly horrific consequences.

Halloween night is a time when we find the fun in our fears, and that's a good thing. Life can be wonderful but it's also somewhat precarious by it's nature. It's always good to be able to control your fears and not let them control you...but you should still have them!

And, of course, if you're fears ever do come true and you need outstanding personal injury representation,  the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc. are here to help. Best of all, only defendants are afraid of us!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Stay Safe While Enjoying Halloween Frights

Believe it or not, it's Halloween time yet again! A week from today, the streets of L.A. will be filled with fun ghouls and ghosts. At the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc., we love the fun of the scary season, but as the ideal personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles, we know that if you don't practice safety, the fantastical fear of Halloween can lead to all-too-real injury or worse. That's why our personal injury is presenting these helpful Halloween safety tips:
  • Make sure your kids are wearing reflective tape on their costumes and bags before they head out in search of sweets. This helps drivers to see them well in advance.
  • Bring a flashlight while trick-or-treating. Even in the heavily populated L.A. area, some neighborhoods are not as well-lit as they should be - and Los Angeles sidewalks are notoriously hazardous - so bring a flashlight when you go out trick-or-treating with your kids.
  • Vehicle accident lawyer has represented many victims of negligence on the road, so he understands particularly well how important it is to drive slow and stay alert, especially on Halloween.
  • Whatever you do - DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. Call an Uber or Lyft, or travel with a designated driver while enjoying the creepy fun of Halloween. 
 If you find yourself in need of a first-rate personal injury attorney, don't hesitate to get in touch with Cameron Y. Brock at the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc.