Friday, May 13, 2016

It Can Wait

As a group of dedicated vehicle accident lawyers, we make our best effort to follow the newsreels. We've heard about a recent case involving an 18-year-old girl who was using the smartphone application Snapchat to take a video of herself driving at speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour. While we're not yet certain as to how the legal case will pan out, we can say that an auto accident occurred that has resulted in a critical brain trauma of the driver whose car the teen rear-ended. Complicating matters, the victim is suing Snapchat and claiming that the application's "speed filter" feature, which tracks how fast someone is traveling while they take a selfie, encourages users to Snap while driving, despite the fact that the app advises users to 'NOT Snap and Drive.'

Obviously, as personal injury attorneys, we sincerely do not anyone, especially very young drivers who seem to be attached to these social apps, to use them while driving under any circumstances. Because approximately 26% of auto accidents involve a distracted driver, a great many injuries and even untimely deaths can be prevented if we manage to eliminate these distractions. Hopefully, we can count on new measures or public service announcements to keep drivers' eyes on the road.

Remember, if you or a loved one has been affected by a personal injury situation in which a negligent party can be determined at fault, we at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock are here to help. 

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