Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Time for Gratitude

As Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, we obviously spend a great deal of time dealing with people in unfortunate situations. Even so, it may not always sink us for us how important it is to take a moment to be thankful for all that we more fortunate people have.

Oddly enough, what started us thinking about this is the ongoing situation in Porter Ranch, where noxious smells from a Southern California Gas Company leak are driving some people from their homes. If you're a personal injury lawyer, the obvious thing is to consider the legal implications posed by an invasive bad smell, which is never good for a person's physical or mental health. On the other hand, it's also important to take a moment to be thankful for something as basic as having reasonably fresh air to breathe.

Aside from the air, living in what is, after all, a highly prosperous society, many of us take for granted that we have clean water to drink as close as the nearest tap, a roof over our heads, and enough food...actually much more than enough. At the same time, of course, not everyone has it so good.

So, it's good to be grateful for all the things we do have, like a good job at a personal injury law firm, for example. It's also, however, perhaps even more important to help spread some of that good fortune around by helping others who are in need by doing whatever we can, perhaps volunteering or giving to our favorite charities -- and, if you don't have a personal favorite, there are countless important causes out there, all of whom could use more help. It's also, of course, just as important to simply be kind to those around us, from our closest family and friends to strangers we encounter as we go about our business. Not just around the holidays but always.

Happy holidays, everyone!

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