Friday, June 15, 2012

You Never Know

Try and think would it would feel like it if your car were suddenly hit by a motorist in a high-end luxury vehicle who suddenly fled the scene. Now, try and imagine how you would feel to find out the motorist in question was a member of the cabinet of the President of the United States. That's a time when it make sense to have a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles

This scenario happened to not one but two sets of Southern California motorists last weekend who found that the mysterious motorist who had their car and fled the scene was, in fact, United States Commerce Secretary John Bryson. Now, it's pretty unlikely that anyone else reading this is going to be involved in an accident with a sitting member of the President's cabinet, but it is true that people in positions of power cause accidents and injuries on a pretty regular basis. If you're a personal injury lawyer like I am, however, it's hard not to sit up and pay attention to something like this. 

Pretty clearly, when something like that happens and you live in the area, you're going to need an outstanding personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles like our staffers at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock, Inc. This case is a really good reminder of just why firms like ours, which operate on a contingency basis, are such an important part of our legal systems and so important to so many members of our community.
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