Motorcycle accident lawyer Cameron Yadidi Brock frequently takes on personal injury and vehicle collision cases, but he is deeply invested in a wide range of personal injury fields. That's why he was particularly interested to learn of a case when greedy cigarette companies were taken to task.

In a personal injury case against R.J. Reynolds, plaintiff Judith Berger recently won $27 million after her attorneys were able to convince a jury that she was preyed upon the tobacco industry as a teenager - along with many other young people who begin smoking.
Lawyers and Berger's lawyers were able to communicate a few key facts to the jury. First of all, they showed that 90% of people who smoke daily begin as teenagers, and that this demographic had been deliberately targeted by the tobacco industry - even though they were wholly aware of the addictive and damaging properties of tobacco.
The earlier a person begins smoking, the more likely they are to become addicted, and the stronger that addiction can become. That means that Berger's suffering over the course of her life was due to willful wrongdoing on the part of the tobacco maker -and fortunately, the judge and jury made certain that justice was done.
This is precisely the type of case that
injury attorney Cameron Yadidi Brock finds the most inspiring, as it shows that innocent victims can often gain restitution for the damage done to them thanks to personal injury law. Of course, the personal injury and
vehicle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc. have gone a long way toward helping their own clients to achieve justice in their own lives.
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