As a completely top-of-the-line auto, we have no doubt that a Model S is superbly designed when it comes to safety. At the exact same time, the finest swimming pool that's even been made is still subject to swimming pool accidents when people behave recklessly, and the best boat ever made can still sink if it meets up with the wrong iceberg. As events constantly remind us, there is no such thing as complete safety.
Of course, that doesn't mean we should all hide in our personal panic rooms...and not just because a slip-and-fall can about just as easily occur there as anywhere else if we happen to spill a glass a little water. What we should do is simply take proper all proper precautions and hope for the best.
If you're lucky enough to ever drive a Tesla Model S, for example, don't steal it, don't flee the police, and don't drive like a lunatic on a busy urban street. If you're concerned about premises liability, and there's a good chance you probably should be, then make sure your home or office is as safe as you can feasibly make it.
Taking proper safety steps can do two great things. First, and by far most importantly, it can actually prevent dangerous accidents. Secondly, in the unfortunate circumstance that something really does happen, your liability may be limited since you took all the reasonable steps to prevent an accident.
In other words, there's no complete safety, but there is safety! Be safe, everyone.
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