If you're an
LA accident
lawyer, it's impossible to avoid the reality that all too many accidents resulting in injuries and even death could have been prevented. In many cases, the simple addition of a traffic light or stop sign was all that was needed. That's why we encourage people to get active if they spot an intersection that is not properly restricted to ensure safety.
While we understand that there are intersections where residents have been trying to get traffic lights or stop signs added for sometime without much success, nothing will ever change if people don't make their voices heard. Also, getting the process started might be easier than you think. In Los Angeles, it's simply a matter of contacting the appropriate area district office of the Los Angeles Department of Transit (LADOT) office and requesting a traffic engineering assessment of the intersection in question.
If you've ever been involved in a situation involving a
personal injury related to a personal injury, you know that it's something you want to avoid at all costs. And while the Law Offices of Burg and Brock are here to put you in touch with an outstanding
attorney in Los Angeles when needed to deal with the aftermath of injury accident, prevention is obviously worth much more than a pound of cure. If you see a location that you think is an accident waiting to happen, don't wait to be heard.