don’t run – Many of the injuries have occurred because of slip-and-falls, or
collisions in stores, or because of people pushing and shoving to get in the
store. It may seem ok if you see other people running up and down the aisles,
but it isn’t safe for them to be doing, and it’s not safe for you.
courteous – Even if other shoppers are being downright rude, it is
important to keep your cool and not play into someone else’s aggression. Many
of these Black Friday injuries are not accidents at all, and result from
someone attacking another shopper after losing their cool. To protect yourself,
it’s best to respond with calm to even the most hair-raising situations.
Hopefully nothing bad happens to you or anyone you know on
Black Friday, but if you do need an attorney
in Los Angeles, contact Cameron Yadidi Brock and the Law Offices
of Burg & Brock to see if you are entitled to compensation as a result of
any injury.