Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Fool for a Client

The Internet has given us many things; some are great whether you're an attorney in Los Angeles or a farmer in Wisconsin. Others are more in the nature of mixed blessings.

One thing that many personal injury lawyers and others in the legal profession have noticed is that we're seeing -- or not seeing, as the case may be -- a number of self-appointed legal experts. These are people who have read just enough online to have a very false sense of security about their legal knowledge, and are representing themselves in legal matters. In most cases it's a bad idea.

Now, there may be cases, such as very small claims or very simple proceedings, where this can work -- up to a point, anyway. Still, for the vast majority of cases involving significant amounts of money, there really is no substitute for a fully trained and competent legal professional. We know it's still fashionable  to denigrate attorneys but, believe it or not, learning the law is far from easy. The reason high profile legal cases are so fascinating to the public is largely that all of them seem to have a million sides and can be argued over incessantly -- and that's when they're being vastly oversimplified by the media.

Trust us, the old expression that someone who acts as his attorney has a fool for a client has a strong basis in fact. There are some fields where you can save yourself money, if not time, by going DIY. Law isn't one of them and, fortunately, in many cases contingency fee lawyers like everyone here at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock, are available. If you find yourself doing the work of personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles or anywhere else, stop right now and get yourself qualified legal representation. And, of course, if it's a personal injury matter, you can always call on Cameron Y. Brock and see if our team can help you win your case. This is a job for the professionals.

1 comment:

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