Documentation and information following an accident can definitely help this confidence. Here are some ways to strengthen your case around the time of the accident before even seeing one of Burg & Brock's personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles:
- Locate witnesses and get their contact information. You never know what testimony could come in handy.
- Take as many pictures as possible. Up close, from far away, all vehicles involved.
- Don't make any verbal or written claims about fault or injuries at this time. You could be in shock or simply startled, so it isn't a good idea to go on the record about anything.
- Go to the doctor. This will get you the proper documentation about your injuries and will also prevent any injuries from getting worse. If taken on by Burg & Brock, we can help you front the cost of these visits until your settlement has ended.
On a personal note, we're big proponents of emergency preparedness kits to keep in your car. Here's a sample list of items to keep as suggested by with additions from its comments section:
- Cell phone
- Disposable camera
- Pen and paper
- Medical information card and related information
- Emergency contact numbers
- First aid kit
- Small road cones, emergency flares
- Mylar blankets
- Candles or other source of light
- Snacks