Friday, July 13, 2012

In Light of Injuries at Thursday's Downtown "Melee"

We may never know exactly what went down during Thursday night's Art Walk demonstrations in Downtown Los Angeles. Some sort of protest occurred, and it was affiliated with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. The exact number of participants has not been nailed down. Injuries were evidently sustained by the police according to their statements, but protestors and members of the media have made unsubstantiated claims as well.

Conflicting reports from the media, the police and the protestors themselves leave everyone involved looking every possibly shade of grey. But when the immediate dust settles and the criminal charges are sorted out, events like these leave literal scars, as well as painful memories for those involved. The party responsible for negligence or harm to another person bears a measure of responsibility to be settled only by a judge. If a civil case is never brought with the aid of a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, the potential plaintiffs may have their lives altered for the worse.

A personal injury lawyer can be the only recourse in the face of the countless unknowns at a time like this.  If a protestor was injured by another protestor, that may be a matter for the civil courts. Equally, property owners may be responsible if their inadequate facilities contributed to injuries. Without a highly adept personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles, these important matters may never have their day in court.

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