This week, a motorcyclist filed a personal injury lawsuit against Uber after he was hit by an Uber driver making a U-Turn in Los Angeles. While in many cases, the lawsuit would be filed against the individual driver, this suit is taking aim at Uber, claiming that the company selects drivers who are “untrained, unskilled and urged by Uber to drive in a risky manner to maximize their fares.” Whatever the outcome of the case, this surely does a lot to highlight the difference between individual and corporate responsibility.
At the Law Offices of Burg & Brock, we don’t back away
from a fight, even if it means going up against a large corporation. Justice is
justice, and our head litigator Cameron Yadidi Brock
has extensive experience fighting against negligent individuals, corporations,
and insurance companies that need to be held accountable. Anyone needing an LA accident
lawyer should not hesitate to call our offices today to schedule a legal consult.
Justice truly is one thing that shouldn’t be delayed, no matter what you may be
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