Though many of us thought it might not ever happen again,
Los Angeles and Southern California are finally starting to see some rainfall. With
the entire state in a record drought, we couldn’t need it more, but rain does
also bring unique hazards that water deprived Angelinos might not be used to;
especially on the road. As a
injury lawyer, we’ve seen vehicle accidents of every kind here at the Law
Offices of Burg and Brock, and we have some tips to help keep you safe on the
road during wet weather.
1) Turn on Lights.
Rain means reduced visibility. Make sure you turn on your lights to help you
see, and help other see you.
2) Reduce speed. Your
car is going to have less traction on the road during a rain storm which will
make it easier to slide. Slow down to decrease the risk while also avoiding
hydroplaning which is when all of your wheels lose contact with the ground, and
one of the worst things that can happen.
3) Give extra
following room. Angelinos like to drive bumper to bumper, which is never a
good idea, and an especially terrible one while it’s raining. The rain means
everyone’s breaking time will be slower. You’re going to need that room.
4) Don’t use cruise
control. Keep it off when it’s raining. You need as much control over you
vehicle as you can get and cruise control may accelerate or brake your car at
the worst time.
5) Managing a skid. Even if you drive perfectly, you can
still end up in a skid. The most important thing you can do is not panic. Most
skids happen gradually which means you’ll have time to react. Don’t: slam on
the breaks, speed up, or yank the wheel. Do: stay calm, let off the gas, and slowly
steer the car in the direction you need it to go in. Most skids will right
themselves if you do.
Follow these safety tips the next time you find yourself
driving in the rain, and if you end up in an accident make sure your rights are
protected by an experienced
in Los Angeles. As a top
LA accident
lawyer the Law Offices of Burg and Brock have your back.