Whether we're
vehicle accident lawyers, doctors, teachers, accountants, or baristas, most of us go through life fairly confident in the assumption that one day will follow on the other and life as we know it will go on. However, if we're unfortunate enough to be involved in a terrible incident, everything can change very suddenly.
The truly horrific traffic accident that occurred Thursday morning on the 60 Freeway near El Monte that killed a five year-old girl and injured 14 others, four critically, is one such reminder of the small but very real risk we all take every time get on a highway. In this case, the apparent culprit was, according to news reports, a tanker carrying milk that did not slow down for oncoming traffic. It then jackknifed over the center divider, causing a chain reaction crash that involved nine vehicles.
Lawyers are always a popular target for scorn from some quarters, but those who might question the role of
personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles or elsewhere should take an incident like this into account. Although many of the facts of this particular accident are not known publicly at this time, often in these cases there are very clear guilty parties who need to be help accountable.
This is not only for the sake of the victims, who clearly have a right to be fiscally compensated following a tremendous loss -- it's also for the sake of the rest of us to ensure such incidents are as rare as possible. Corporations and individuals need to understand that putting lives at risk can have an enormous financial cost. It's one of the only means we have to actually discourage poor safety practices.
If you believe you are the victim of the negligence, or worse, in an
accident and need an automotive or
motorcycle accident lawyer, the Law Offices of Burg and Brock are here to help. Just call us at 1-888-509-2998.